About New Life

Church History
April 1, 2018
New Life Apostolic Ministries was birthed in the heart and home of Pastor Bronis L. Perteit and Elder Shannon Perteit. After the retirement of their Apostolic Father, the late Bishop Emeritus Jeremiah Reed, the Lord began to deal with Pastor Perteit about souls in need of salvation in Iowa City, Iowa. After much prayer, God brought back to her remembrance John 21:15-17 and 2 Timothy 4:1-5 as these were the very scriptures God used to call her into the ministry back in January of 2005.
April 15, 2018
God confirmed that New Life was in fact a part of His perfect will when the first soul was baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and filled with the Holy Ghost according to Acts 2:38. Since then, the ministry is not only growing naturally but most importantly it’s growing spiritually. With the mission to recover, repair and restore souls to Christ, we are grateful for the many ways he continues to bless this ministry.
May 28, 2019
New Life purchased its new 8000 sq. ft. church facility located at 1011 Arthur St., Iowa City, Iowa! We praise God for all the things he has done but most importantly, we praise God for the road traveled to get us where we are today.
Meet our Leaders
Bronis L. Perteit has been preaching the word of God since her teenage years and has been in pastoral ministry since 2005. She served as youth pastor of Victory Temple Apostolic Church of God in Iowa City, Ia from 2002-2005. In January of 2005, she became the founder and senior pastor of Faith Holiness Apostolic Church of God in Iowa City, Ia. Presently, Pastor Bronis serves as founder and senior pastor of New Life Apostolic Ministries in Iowa City, Iowa.
Pastor Bronis is a native of Dayton, Ohio. She studied at the University of Iowa receiving her BSW in 2012 and will soon be receiving her Masters in family therapy. She received her Bachelors in Theology from Christ Apostolic Temple Christian College in 2007.
An effective communicator of God’s Word, Pastor Bronis is widely known for her heartfelt messages and ability to breakdown the word of God and apply it to everyday life. Her love for people is felt through each one of her messages and she lives by the motto, “everybody is somebody”. In addition to preaching, she is also known for her ability to minister the word of God through song. Pastor Bronis and her husband, Elder Shannon Perteit, have been married since 2003. They are the proud parents of three children, Jaylen, Julian and Jasmine Perteit.

Shannon Perteit was born and raised on the south side of Chicago He and his mother attended church services at Christ Universal Temple, Pastored by Reverend Paul J Hall. It was during these early years Shannon began to gain a love for God and his word, spending many mornings with his mother going over devotional scriptures and praying with her before going off to school. In 1993, Shannon’s father invited him to attend services at the Apostolic Church of God where Bishop Arthur M Brazier was the Pastor. After attending and being intrigued by the messages Bishop Brazier preached, Shannon made a decision at a very early age to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Later he and his mother began to attend services at the Apostolic Church of God being faithful members up until Shannon graduated from high school in 1997. It was at the Apostolic Church of God where he and his mother began to grow in knowledge and the understanding of the kingdom of God. Later God called his mother to the ministry (Pastor/Apostle Edna Lester Blue) where she now serves as the Pastor of the Shekinah Glory House of Deliverance.
In 1997, Shannon attended the University of Iowa where he began his studies in Accounting. Later in 1998, a young lady by the name of Cornetta introduced him to a small church in Iowa City named Victory Temple Pastored by Lakeetha Ringer.
Under Pastor Ringer, Shannon became more deeply involved in ministry serving on multiple committee’s such as the Deacon Board, head of the brotherhood committee, audio visual, security and Sunday School. He met the love of his life, Bronis Fleetwood, in the year 2000 right there at Victory Temple. They became husband and wife August 2, 2003. A short two years later God called his wife Bronis to the ministry and in the year 2005 she became the Pastor of Faith Holiness Apostolic Church of God. Shannon served as the assistant Pastor, Sunday School director, Alter worker and baptizer until 2008.
After the closure of Faith Holiness ACOG, he and his wife attended Christ Apostolic Temple in Des Moines, Iowa under the pastorate of Presiding Bishop Emeritus Jeremiah Reed. During his time as a member of Christ Apostolic Temple Shannon served as a Sunday School instructor, Kitchen help, an Alter worker and minister. Continuing to grow in grace with the Lord, he and his wife always knew that there was yet still work to be done in Iowa City. For 8 years God would speak to Shannon and say “Repairer of the breach” not knowing what it meant he continued to attend services with his wife and children until 2017. In 2018, The Lord pressed upon the heart of his wife to re-plant a work in Iowa City. The objective was to make a place where everybody can be somebody and so on April 1, 2018 at their residence in Iowa City New Life Apostolic Ministries held its first service.
Now the father of three beautiful children, Jaylen, Julian and Jasmine, Shannon serves as the assistant pastor of New Life Apostolic ministries, aiding in the reconciliation of souls to God through the love of his son, Jesus Christ our Lord. He now finds ultimate fulfillment in aiding in the raising up the foundations of many generations. Knowing that what was spoken to him for many years “and thou shalt be called, the repairer of the breach, the restorer of paths to dwell in (Isaiah 58:12), is now being fulfilled at New Life Apostolic Ministries.